Friday, August 7, 2015

SQL Server Concepts

SQL Server - History (Evolution)
SQL Server - Introduction
SQL Server - Versions
SQL Server - Editions
Highlights of SQL Server by Version
SQL Server  - System Requirements
Database Overview
E-R-MODEL (Entity-Relational)
Table Relationships
SQL Server - System Databases
SQL Server - Commands
SQL Server - T-SQL Basics
SQL Server - Data types
SQL Server - DateTime Functions
SQL Server - Create Statements
SQL Server - Alter Statement
SQL Server - Constraints
SQL Server - Normalization
SQL Server - How Data Stored
SQL Server - Import and Export Wizard
SQL Server - Operators
SQL Server - Set Operators
SQL Server - System Functions
SQL Server - Ranking Functions
SQL Server - IDENTITY Column
SQL Server - Computed Column
SQL Server - CASE Expression
SQL Server - CTE (Common Table Expression)
SQL Server - Alias Names
SQL Server - Logical Functions
SQL Server - Temporary Tables
SQL Server - Table Variables
SQL Server - Sub Queries
SQL Server - Backup and Restore
SQL Server - Synonyms
SQL Server - Joins
SQL Server - System Views
SQL Server - Views
SQL Server - Indexes
SQL Server - Stored Procedures
SQL Server - Cursors
SQL Server - Control Flow Language
SQL Server - Dynamic SQL
SQL Server - User - Defined Functions
SQL Server - Triggers
SQL Server - Data Integrity
SQL Server - ACID Properties
SQL Server - Transactions
SQL Server - Isolation Levels with Examples
SQL Server - Error Handling
SQL Server - CDC (Change Data Capture)
SQL Server - DBCC Commands
SQL Server - Defaults and Rules
SQL Server - Naming Conventions and Standards
SQL Server - Best Practices
SQL Server - Differences 
SQL Server - Replace Function

SQL Server - Interview Questions and Answers


Working with NULL Values in SQL Server

What is the use of SETNOEXEC Statement in SQL ServerHow to Convert Tabular data into Comma separated string in SQL ServerTRIGGERS, TRIGGERS PERFORMANCE AND RULES FOR CREATING THE TRIGGERSNew Features in Microsoft SQL ServerConvert Seconds to Minutes, Hours and Days in SQL ServerImprove Error Handling using Throw Statement in SQL Server 2012

Sub Queries Vs Joins

A Beginner’s Guide to the OUTPUT Clause in SQL Server
Inner and Left Outer Join with Where Clause vs ON Clause
Solution for SQL Server Error “Saving Changes is Not Permitted”
View and Edit Two Files Side By Side in SQL Server and Notepad++

Display Line Numbers in SQL Server Query Editor WindowRestore SQL Server system database master.mdf without BackupHow Does SQL Server work & perform DML OperationNew features of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 : DenaliInsert default values for all columns in table - SQL ServerScript to get Database Files detail - SQL ServerHow to Enable ‘sa’ Login in SQL ServerSQL Server Authentication ModesHow to Set Backup Compression in SQL ServerIdentify Database Bottlenecks with Performance Monitor CountersRowcount for all tables in SQL Server DatabaseHow to get a total row count in faster waySQL Server - Full Text Search

Deterministic and Non-deterministic Functions in SQL Server
Encrypt Database with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)